Heart of Dinner is an organization that delivers hot meals and fresh produce to over 500 Asian Elders on a weekly basis throughout NYC. The sourcing, cooking, and deliveries are powered entirely by volunteers, and to date they have delivered over 100,000 meals and created over $500,000 in revenue for local businesses.
The work Heart of Dinner is doing to combat food insecurity among NYC’s elderly Asian American community is incredible. As ex-New Yorkers ourselves who have gained so much from the Asian communities throughout NYC, we couldn’t help but get involved. Since we no longer live in the city, we did what we could from afar: we wrote notes!
Heart of Dinner always welcomes handwritten notes in Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese, & Tagalog with English translations. These notes, written in recipients native languages & complete with illustrations, are paired with each individual care package. We hand-wrote and illustrated 150 notes in Vietnamese over the course of a few days. This is something anyone, native speaker or not, can do. Google Translate is your friend!

For more info on writing notes for Heart of Dinner (including a very helpful illustration!) check out their website.
Don't have the time to draw/write notes? You can also donate if able! We have a recurring quarterly donation and give more when we can. Donate here.